
Hello! Welcome to my blog on 10 Golden Rules of Twitter. I hope you will learn something new today! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Twitter Is NOT A Fad… Twitter Has Become A New Revolution In The Way We Do Business Online!

By now I hope that you realize Twitter is NOT just the latest fad to keep in touch with your friends andfamily and to post what you’re doing every second of the day for entertainment purposes.
Twitter has become a new revolution for the way we interact online. Twitter is really a
very powerful resource for you to tap into for building your business and generating more viral traffic andincome from your “Tweets”.
Using Twitter to drive traffic to your site works fantastic when you do it the right way. Just rememberto balance what you’re doing and be very clear on the reasons why you are using Twitter and youwill be amazed.
When you simply post a “tweet” and people reply and others can see the reply this creates
a viral traffic machine that can build your business to new heights.
Don’t get left behind while others are taking advantage of one of the most powerful tools for makingmoney online created in many, many years.

Golden Rule 10: How To Open The Floodgates With Twitter By Using Valuable Resources, And Tools To Generate A Dynamic Massive Rabid Following And Buil

Using the right resources, tools and widgets will help you to bring your Twitter success to the next level bykeeping you informed, connected and up-to-date. It’s wise to use
resources that are right for your own business environment.
There are some pros and cons to some tools so only YOU can decide if they are right for
Here is a great free resource site if you have you ever wanted to completely brand your Twitter Profile but didn‘t either have the time or know how to do it in Photoshop or Gimp without having to spend a red cent!This is how to stand out from the crowd… http://www.MyTweetSpace.com
There is another site to get a better Twitter background. You can download the files and construct yourown Twitter background. They are Photoshop files, and you or your designer shouldn‘t have any troublereworking them to personalize them for yourself or your type of business. http://www.twitterbacks.com/
If you are an article marketer here is a fantastic way you can set up your EzineArticles account toautomatically post your newly approved articles to your Twitter profile. You can get listed here:http://twitter.ezinearticles.com It’s a good idea to upload your author photo and bio to your Twitteraccount in order to build more credibility for your profile. Here you can follow EzineArticles on Twitter.
Having trouble adding friends to your Twitter account one by one by one? Why wait months and monthsto build a following? There is a tool I found on the Warrior Forum that you might want to considerbecause you can get at least 2,000 followers in a single month instead of the typical 300 to 500 like most people are doing…
You can use this very powerful tool while others struggle to get followers and it can get you a massiverabid following on Twitter in only hours and will drive you to the top of
your income potential quickly and effortlessly… meaning more traffic and sales for YOU.
One major aspect that will separate the marketers from the entertainment types of people using Twitterwill be the resources and tools to automate things and save time. You need to figure out what your timeis worth and how to do things in the most proficient way.
For about $50 to $100 you can crank out some serious income using Twitter instead of spending monthsand months like most others are and will be doing to grow their following because of the lack ofinsight and perspective of the value of time when working online. It’s kind of just like outsourcing butwe are using a machine to do it.
WARNING: It’s recommended that you set it at about 100 friends per day so you don’t get banned… It mayalso be a very good idea to set up separate accounts when using
this type of automation around your market or niche. I believe Twitter‘s own API is
only supposed to allow you to follow UP TO 200 people per day. They‘ve definitely put a limit on it now.
Twitter is starting to notice accounts with too much friend adding activity and either suspending ordeleting them all together. This is why you need to set it up at 100 per day.
Twitter FriendAdder can add or remove your twitter friends automatically. You can get thousands ofHUMANS to your websites everyday by using Twitter FriendAdder. There
is a limited quantity so hopefully it will still be available. Some aspects are being improved as of thiswriting and it’s at the 3.0.0 version right now.
This is a great resource when you get lots of followers and you are trying to figure out
who to follow. Mr. Tweet can help you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter
by looking through your network and tweets. It’s basically like having a personal Twitter assistant.
1. Show you the followers & influencers you should follow.
2. Recommend you to enthusiastic users relevant to you
Take a look at this tool here: http://www.mrtweet.net/
Here is another fantastic Twitter resource all in one single place for easy access that will
help you build your business using widgets. Right now there are over 860 widgets you can review andsee what makes sense for you to apply for your business model.
Take a look and see the worlds biggest Twitter Wigetbox like no other. Simply amazing!
If you think Twitter is not going to be bigger than most people realize right now you
might want to think again. Take a look at how many tools are available right now. Note: Some of theseservices that are listed on this site may ask for your Twitter password
before getting what you want so it’s wise to proceed with caution as it says on the site as well. Twitterhas recently been hit with a massive wave of phishing - people get a DM
(direct message) with a link in it, they click on the link and it seems to send them to a Twitter sign in page, they enter their name and Twitter password - and then the phishers send out fake DMs using theiraccount info. http://www.bloggersblog.com/twitterlinks/
Take a look at this Mashable tool box. There are over 60 tools you can review and it’s really nice to beable to see what something will look like because they show actual examples such as a customized Twitter page etc. You can get examples of Apps,
Widgets and Plugins for Windows, Mac, Linux, Search, Browsers Plug Ins, Mobile and others all in oneplace. http://mashable.com/2007/09/29/twitter-toolbox/
Here you can find a fantastic Twitter Toolset with 50+ Guides, Hacks, and Scripts with easy to find descriptions so you don’t have to be on an endless search for what you’re looking for. So an examplewould be if you are looking for a Mobile ap to take on the road you can quickly find and review the toolswith descriptions to save you time.
Here are some more resources with quick descriptions to help you find what you would need faster foryour Twitter business model. Like you really need more tools right?
http://www.Grouptweet.com: Do you have a team of people who are all on Twitter, but you don‘t wantthe info you tweet to be sent out for all to see? Grouptweet.com lets you send a tweet to a selectgroup of people and keeps it from prying eyes.
http://www.Twittermoms.com: This site lets you connect with thousands of moms on Twitter. This isgreat if you are a mom, but it can also be great if you have a product or service that benefits moms (butjust make sure your Tweets aren‘t spammy, or you will quickly get the boot).
http://www.Twitzer.com (Firefox addon): Normally, Twitter tweets are limited to only
140 characters. This nifty little gizmo lets you post more than that.
http://www.Twitterfeed.com: This gadget will feed your blog posts to your Twitter account. You canchoose the frequency of the tweets.
http://www.Strawpollnow.com: Create a poll on Twitter with this fun tool. It appears to allowcomments, as well. It is great for getting your followers to interact with a tweet of yours.
http://www.Twitturly.com: This tool lets you keep track of what URL’s are talked about on Twitter.
http://tweetstats.com/ This is really cool to see stats by putting in your own username or someoneyou’re interested in to see tweet statistics.

Golden Rule 9: How To Avoid The Biggest Mistakes Most Marketers Are Doing With Twitter To Keep Your Following Growing Daily

The easiest and quickest way to destroy a good thing is to misuse and abuse Twitter and that is what you do when you spam your Twitter followers. Spamming your followers is a fantastic way to lose yourfollowers.
Follow these tips to avoid the mistakes many marketers are making.
· The occasional tweet that points to your blog or website is cool. Don‘t give a link that just goes directly to your product or service. You don‘t want to be perceived as someone who says, “Buyfrom me!” all of the time.
For example, if someone asks about getting their dog to stop barking all the time and you have a reportthat works for this problem on your blog, the best approach would be to direct them to a blog post of yourswith tips on different types of ways to get your dog to stop barking possibly with your link in the post somewhere. Be more subtle and less aggressive.
· Focus on the positive. Even if someone gets irritated with you, don‘t play their games. Bepositive and do not feed into the negativity.
· Remember that Twitter is for social networking. It is for building relationships andestablishing communication with people – not for sending out a spammy tweet every 3 hours.
· Limit your tweets. Tweeting about a blog post once a day is a lot different than sending thesame tweet 7 times. Less is more.
· Don‘t send out the exact same tweet more than once, especially if you have a link in it (even ablog post). I stopped following one guy when he sent out the same post 7 times in one day!And he sent a link to his “business opportunity” each time - not what I need or want on Twitter.
· Respond to all replies. When someone replies to your message, make sure to respond to themto let them know you got their message. Since messages move so fast on Twitter, especiallywhen you have a lot of followers, it can be difficult to keep up with replies.

Luckily, Twitter has a handy function that will track of your replies for you. Just keep in mind that ifyour replies start to take on an overly personal tone be sure to use the dm function. You don‘t wantto clutter up your follower‘s update feeds with your personal prejudices, opinions or rants!
Don‘t use all caps in your updates. This is one of those general online etiquette tips thatapplies to Twitter as well.
Check in from time to time with your account. Don‘t start a Twitter account only to check in with itevery few days or once a week. Make it a part of your daily routine so you can connect with yourfollowers.

Golden Rule 8: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Twitter Crowd By Using These Insider Secret Tactics

When you use Twitter the right way, you‘ll be able to tap into parts of your existing
market that you weren‘t aware of before and move beyond the Twitter crowd avoiding the typical mistakesmost people make and use tactics that work fantastic to get hoards of
traffic. Always be thinking ‘out of the box’ using Twitter.
Twitter Blaster is a PHP script that will bring viral traffic to your site using the Twitter network. You canbuild a list very quickly using this technique and increase your profits.
This tool is little bit gray hat…
This script is for education purposes only… Usethis script on your own risk…
How does it work?
Go here: http://www.peomedia.com/blog/2009/01/twitter-blaster-twitter-promotion-tool/
Here is another easy insider secret for automation you can use to set yourself apart form
the typical Twitter crowd.
Go to www.TweetLater.com
Then you will go setup a free account and follow the instructions for auto-following and
auto-replying to new followers. Using TweetLater you‘ll be able to instantly and automaticallysend a direct message to your new Twitter followers.
This is an amazing secret because it allows you to instantly interact with new followers the momentthey follow you which means more traffic and potential cash.
Twitter is all about communication and interaction so this will help you build a responsivefollowing very fast.
Here‘s an example message you can use in your auto-replies to your new followers. You can emulate thismessage any way you want.
“Thanks for following. You can find out more about me and my newsletter here:
The majority of your new Twitter followers will never even suspect that this is an automated messageand they often reply to it with nice replies. This is a very powerful resource and tool and it can be sued to be one of your top traffic sources for getting web visitors from Twitter very quickly.
Note: It’s wise to be sure to make your auto-reply very tasteful and friendly and not business oriented.If you don‘t jam your links on anyone too hard you can see fantastic results while others struggle to gettraffic to their sites.
Moving on…
One of the first steps in using Twitter to improve your blog is to “listen“ to other people
by reading their updates. A lot of new Twitter marketers make the mistake of posting too much aboutthemselves and not responding or paying attention to others.
As long as you keep in mind that Twitter is a social tool and not just a traffic machine, you‘ll be able to keep things in perspective and pay attention to others.
Interact with other people, answer their questions and ask them questions back. This way you can become part of the community.
There‘s also another good reason for paying attention to what other people have to say on Twitter. If youadd a lot of people to your follow list who are in your niche, pay attention to their problems, theirquestions and the type of things that they share.
This can all be part of your niche research and you can incorporate what you find there in your blog or inthe form of a new product. You‘ll find that your Twitter account can be a treasure trove for blog postideas.
You can use the information that you find on Twitter to create blog posts that meet the needs of yourreadership. You can also address specific questions or concerns. You‘ll be surprised at what a great brainstorming tool your Twitter account can be. You‘ll read someone‘s update and then it will get thewheels turning for a blog post, or even a series of blog posts.
Another important aspect with using Twitter effectively is to be useful to your followers. The informationthat you post should be relevant, helpful and interesting. Set yourself
apart from the crowd by finding interesting news stories that relate to your niche. Post
tips related to your blog. But don‘t forget to be personal and connect with your followers.
Be sure to ask lots of questions! When you ask questions of your followers, you‘ll get a chance to hearwhat they have to say. Asking questions is a great way to source information for blog posts, or just toget to know those who are following you.
Sometimes Twitter functions like a water cooler at work. Don‘t be afraid to have fun with your questions.
Another benefit of asking questions is that when people respond, it‘s like free advertising. They will replyto your question with the @ symbol and your user name. Other people
who are following them but not you will see your user name and may join your followers list.
Be sure that you get readers from your blog to follow your Twitter feeds. There are widgets that you canadd to the sidebar of your blog and you can remind people in your posts to follow you on Twitter. Youcan also add a Twitter badge to your blog for the purpose of getting your most recent tweets to appear inyour blog‘s sidebar.
Here is a simple way you can do this. You can post a new tweet automatically containing the title of yourblog posts along with a link from Twitter to your most recent blog entry.
You can do all of this for free using a service called TwitterFeed. Here‘s thesite to go to: www.TwitterFeed.com
All you have to do is setup an account and pop in your blog‘s feed URL, and enter your
Twitter info. It‘s really as simple as that…
One of the best blogging platforms to use is WordPress but this can be done with just about any blogthat allows customization. Here‘s a link to one of the top wordpress widget plug ins to add tweets toyour blog: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-widget/
You just simply download the widget, upload it to your wordpress plugins folder and configure it inyour wordpress admin panel. This will allow you to add some fresh content to your blog on a prettyregular basis since Twitter makes it easy to update.
Insider Secret Tip: You can make more sales and gain more followers by thinking ‘out
of the box’ with Twitter by using a moving avatar. Have it showing you smiling and waving at you and getspeople’s attention.
The idea is to stand out from the typical crowd on Twitter without being too crazy. You can also use a customized background as well…

Golden Rule 7: Surefire Strategy How To Make Easy Residual Income With Twitter Without Doing Anything Out Of The Ordinary!

By now you know that Twitter is a great networking tool, but one downside is that tweets are limited to only 140 characters. This is really bad news when you have a long URL in your tweet. Long URLs can useup half of your tweet space – and maybe more.
Most people use a URL-shortening service such as http://tinyurl.com/ to overcome this handicap, but now there is a way to shorten the URL and make money. It’s called http://www.adjix.com
When you use Adjix to shorten a URL, the person who clicks on the shortened version
sees ads while waiting for the site to load, and you get paid for it. It is a common way for free services tomake money from their service.
You get paid $0.10 for each 1000 unique link views and $0.20 for each valid, unique
click through. If you earn more than $25 at the end of a given month, a check is mailed to you about 45 days later. (This allows for merchants to check for click fraud.)
You can easily create an account with an email address, first and last name (for the payout) and apassword. Signing up is free and can be done in about 5 minutes.
Once you sign up, you can edit your profile and even choose which category of ads that display when someone clicks on your shortened URL.
You can also advertise on Adjix at a pretty reasonable rate. You can use a combination
of advertising and promoting the service to maximize your checks and build your business.
The money made for adjix.com isn‘t a fortune, but it could start to look pretty attractive to someone with alarge list of followers or a responsive group of followers. This is also money that you are making for now doing anything out of the ordinary. You are just shortening a URL when you “tweet”.
You probably won’t get rich but it’s just another strategy to use Twitter to build your business and alsomake some extra residual income on top of the Twitter traffic to your blog or website at the same time.

Golden Rule 6: How To Make Money With Your “Tweets” Using Twitter The Right Way And To Avoid Annoying Your Followers

Here is something too many people are worried about on Twitter and try to walk around on egg shells…
Many people have some kind of idea or philosophy of “don‘t promote“ on twitter or
“don‘t post links to your site and this is NOT really wise philosophy in all niches. Here’s the reason why.Remember there is a fine line between spamming and providing useful hints, tips and ideas within yourniche.
There is nothing wrong with posting a link to your website or your latest blog posts every once in a while,just state the benefit of how it will help your followers instead of
blatantly link spamming.
In short: Don‘t use Twitter to market directly, people hate that. Just be nice, give value, and traffic will become freely flowing.
An example is say you want to post something on twitter and it’s going to be because you think it’s newsworthy to your following and is niche related…
Most of the time it will be a link related to something you’re doing but think about this. What if it’s anew Youtube video you just created, a link to your new product launch development or something youfound really interesting that relates to your business?
When people subscribe to your profile to “follow“ you they should realize that beyond
work sure you spend time with your family and kids. Do you think it’s really going to be fascinating to strangers what you’re doing in your personal like every minute of the day?
Marketers that think it’s really, really bad to post a link to your blog or to some product you arereleasing or even to some product you like or even an affiliate link to some product needs to reallyrealize if people are not interested you need to get BOLD and say so what NEXT!
You should tweet what you want to tweet but don’t spam dozens of links and let your followers and subscribers figure out if they want to follow you or not. There is really not too much difference withTwitter than a blog or an email list. If your followers like what you have posted they will pay attention toyou regardless of what it’s about even if you
do send them a link.
There is really no need to be walking on egg shells using Twitter.
Using Twitter in the most basic sense to build traffic to your blog is to post updates on Twitterwhenever you make a blog post. But there‘s so much more to Twitter than that. The Twitter site has one question and one question only. What are you doing? How you answer this question iscompletely up to you.
A lot of people simply post about what they are up to. You‘ll see a lot of posts like “Just finishedeating lunch.“ or “Working on a project.” But you‘ll also see a whole lot more. If you‘re having troubleanswering the question “what are you doing” try thinking of it in
terms of “what are you interested in“ or “what has you attention.“
An example would be with the dog training niche you could say “I found a way for my dog to stop barking when I’m not home with the radio left on classical music”.
To start out with, you‘ll want to post things that are related to you personally and not your blog directly.Remember, first and foremost Twitter is a social networking utility. People have a low tolerance forblatant advertising.
Here are some ideas for non-blog post related Twitter posts…
Share information. You can post links related to your niche, or just interesting things you findaround the Internet related to your niche.
Ask questions. You can increase your relationship with your followers by asking questions. Ask people what they think of the latest news story or their opinion on a topic.
Share your opinion. You can post links to recent news stories, especially those related to yourniche, and offer your opinion.
Post tips related to your niche. Add to the value of your twitter feed by sharing tips that aren‘t onyour blog. 140 characters are a great space to share a short, helpful tip.
Share links to other people‘s sites and explain your view.
When you do post a link to your blog, make sure to add more to your Twitter post than just the link.Explain what it’s about and tell your audience what is coming next on your
blog. This way you won‘t just be spamming your link all over the place and having people notfollow you because they are getting annoyed.

Golden Rule 5: How To Set Up Your Twitter Account Properly For YOUR Niche And Generate More Followers

If you’ve already set up your account you can simply move on to more exciting aspects
of using Twitter and skip this part. The first thing you need to do is to go over to Twitter.
You register by using your e-mail address and picking a user name that you think would
be best for you.
If you want to use Twitter in conjunction with your blog, you should use a user name that reflects your blog.For example, if your blog was www.cnn.com you may want
to create the user name of “cnn.” If the name of your blog is taken as a user name on twitter, try to find something that reflects the theme of your blog.
Once you‘ve gotten registered, you‘ll need to upload a picture to use as your avatar. You can use a pictureof yourself or an illustration that reflects your blog as your avatar. Make sure it‘s a clear picture and onethat will show up well in a column with other pictures surrounding it.
With Twitter, you can quickly search for other users and then request to follow their updates. Oncesomeone approves you to follow them, most of the time they will choose to follow you as well. You can build your followers list by searching for keywords on the Twitter site that relates to your blog. Anexample would be ‘dog training’ for a dog training niche you’ve set up. This way you can build a list oftargeted followers that are interested in your dog training topic. Once you start posting updates on Twitter about your blog, you‘ll automatically get more targeted traffic.
When you first join, you’ll most likely get follow requests as well from other users who are using thesearch tools. You can choose to follow these people if they seem like they could be potential traffic foryour blog. Make sure that your follow list doesn‘t get too crowded if you want to keep it targeted to aspecific niche.
Twitter works best when you can actually communicate with the people that you are following, and vice versa. If you crowd your list with thousands of people you may initially get more traffic but you‘lllose out on many of the other benefits of using the site.
Again, before you get started with posting Twitter updates, you need to decide your primarypurpose for using Twitter.
If you‘re focused before you get started, you‘ll be able to produce better quality posts and get the right kind of traffic to your blog that relates to your niche.
There are many different ways you can use Twitter, and everyone uses it a little bit different.Consider these different ways of using the platform when you decide how you‘re going to use it…
· Help you build your expertise and your authority in a niche
· Help you drive more traffic to your blog
· Help you brand yourself
· Help you be more social with your readers
· Help you make your blog more of a community experience
You can do all of this and more with your Twitter account, or you can choose just one aspect and run withthat. Keep in mind though that if you decide that you‘re going to use it just to post links to your blog,you‘re going to be a bit disappointed.
Since Twitter is a social networking tool, people will quickly unsubscribe from your updates. On Twitter, people want to know more about you and see a more personal side of you. This is why it‘s such apowerful way to drive traffic to your blog.
Here are 3 different ways of posting on Twitter that you need to know about.
1. First, there‘s a regular post. When you type in a message to Twitter and hit “update“ it will beviewable by all the people who are following you.
2. The next type of post is a reply. When you type in a regular message, people may reply to your post.You‘ll see your user name with the symbol @ before it when someone replies to your message. You canrespond to other people the same way. You simply type @ and then their user name directly after that.Replies are viewable by everyone who is following you or the other person you are replying to.
3. Finally, there‘ a direct message. If you want to send a private message to someone that
no one else can see, you can send a direct message. To do so, simply type the letters dm with theperson‘s user name. You‘ll receive messages from others on a special page of Twitter and be notified viae-mail when someone direct messages you.

Golden Rule 4: How To Use Twitter To Get Targeted Traffic To Your Blog And Provide Valuable Targeted Content For Your Followers

Here are some fantastic ways how you can use Twitter as a blogger that you should consider if you arenot already doing so to help you get hoards of traffic, ideas for your niche and connecting with yourfollowers …
Getting targeted traffic to your blog posts… With a simple post to Twitter, you can have lots of readerscome to your blog. Even though blog feeds do the same thing, you can
often find new readers on Twitter or remind current readers to re-visit your blog.
Here is another fantastic strategy you can use with Aweber to send tweets any time you send out abroadcast to one of your regular subscriber list. This is really great primarily when you link up yourFacebook and your Twitter account.
Now anytime you send out a broadcast to your lists in Aweber, you can also do an update
to twitter and Facebook all with just one click.
Question: “How do you set up Twitter to send a confirmation message to a follower in their email inboxwhen this person has agreed to follow you? Sometimes I follow people
on Twitter, and when I check my inbox, I find a message thanking me to follow them,
and in this message there’s a link to their squeeze page or what ever the product they are selling”?
Answer: People use services like http://www.socialtoo.com to do those automated “thank you forfollowing me, visit my squeeze page“ messages.
NOTE: There is much more detail on how to set up auto mated messages within this
report in the resources and tools section and exactly how your message should read…
Here are some insider tricks to build much more targeted traffic that you would be wise
to follow.
Step #1 Take note that every “tweet“ is 140 characters and it is turned into its own html webpage. Youcan view any of your individual tweets by clicking on the time stamp that immediately follows yourmessage and it will bring up the page that has only your tweet and you can simply copy your URL.
The trick is to social bookmark your targeted tweets and by adding keyword rich words including ‘longtail keywords’ in at the beginning of your tweet will help and include a http:// link then grab theindividual tweet url.
Step #2 The next step is to follow your social bookmarking strategies and tactics that you use for your blogposts or link to them from inside your blog post- building backlinks to your main profile page as well.
It’s wise to keep in mind that your twitter profile has its own RSS feed and you can do lot’s of greatthings with RSS feeds to build viral traffic.
Another good idea is that it’s wise to link to your main profile page URL in your other social sites, newsletters, blog posts, squidoo lens to help build viral traffic. Some Twitter marketers are now evengetting redirect urls such as twitteryourname.com and directing people to their Twitter profile page and over time with some link building can generate much more targeted traffic.
Another fantastic site and tool for doing research is a search site called http://www.summize.com whereyou can enter a few keywords in your niche or popular names …
You can also follow people in any niche and see how they are using Twitter, connect with them byreplying and starting a conversation or adding to something interesting.
With http://www.summize.com it will quickly help you locate any likeminded marketers and then you caneasily see who they are following and who is also following them.
Connecting with your followers is key… When you blog, you‘re speaking to your readership from adistance. You write your post, edit it and then post it. During all of these activities, you‘re removedfrom your audience. But when you use Twitter to
communicate, it becomes a conversation. You can show more of your personality to your followers andtruly communicate with them on a different level. This can get them more interested in you and yourblog, which will build more traffic over time.
Building your brand can be a BOON!… In order to stand out amidst the large amount of blogs and Twitteraccounts online, you need to develop a persona for people to connect to and identify with. You canaccomplish this through your blog, but you can further your branding by using a Twitter account.
You need to figure out what makes you special and unique in your niche and then extend thesedifferences between you and others in you Twitter posts. Decide what your persona or approach is andthen make sure your Twitter posts reflect that.
Researching niches and markets… With Twitter, your target market can be at your be atyour fingertips. You can spy on their interests, ask them about their needs andautomatically get ideas for your blog posts. You provide exactly what your followers arelooking for.

Golden Rule 3: You Need To Know These 5 Basic Tips To Avoid Wasting Valuable Time On Twitter

Twitter is a fantastic social networking tool that can explode your business but you need to follow a fewguidelines so you don’t waste valuable time. That being said, Twitter can be a little overwhelming andconfusing to someone who is just starting with it and you don’t want to go in circles wasting time.
So here are 5 basic tips for you if you are just starting out with Twitter…
1. Figure out what you want from Twitter. Do you want it for personal reasons (such as keeping in touchwith friends and family)? Do you want it to help increase traffic to your blog? Do you want to find localcustomers? Getting your purpose straight will help you focus.
2. Start following people. (All this means is that you sign up to receive their messages
[“tweets”] and you can message them back.) If you follow them, they will most likely follow you. Thank people when they follow you.
You can use the search feature (www.search.twitter.com) and find the people you want – just put in thesearch terms you are looking for. If you want to find dog owners in Chico, go for it. If you want to find local people to network with, that‘s fine, too. Just search.
3. Be interactive and send messages (tweets) out to people. Make sure you ask and answerquestions and give value to the community. You don‘t have to say anything profound – justrelevant.
4. Start “tweeting” right away. The best way to get followers is to say something – your tweets will comeup in searches, so make sure you say things that reflect you well. Say things that are relevant and not just sending out sales pitches. Don‘t be afraid to give a
word of encouragement or a suggestion to someone.
5. Do not send “spammy” messages! Let me repeat: Do NOT send spammy messages!
If all you do is send out tweets that scream, “Buy from me! Buy from me!” you will quickly losefollowers. Just don‘t do it!
Video and audio is a powerful way to learn very quickly. You retain 400% more with video and audio. Ifyou like audio and want to retain more by watching an audio with a video you can watch this YouTubeWebinar. O‘Reilly Webcast: Twitter for Business
WARNING: This Webinar is 1hr and 2 min so you’re best to set some time aside and take noteswithout interruptions. However, it’s a fantastic way to very quickly learn how to use Twitter, what NOTto do and what to do without spinning around in circles trying to figure out how to use Twitter for yourbusiness.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Golden Rule 2: Red Flags You Need To Consider Immediately Before You End Up Wasting Hundreds Of Precious Hours Using Twitter And End Up With An Addict

At this point I hope you are starting to realize Twitter can be an incredible asset to your business, just likeemail can be. But just like email, Twitter can also be a massive time- waster and can suck hours out ofyour day without you even noticing. You get on Twitter and then the next time you look up it‘s 2 hours later!
A portion of self-control is important for any business person. If you are self-employed, it becomes evenmore important! Wasting time is wasting money.
WARNING: This video might offend some folks and be very annoying but it’s to simply make an important point of what can happen if you loose control. However, on the other hand the video is being monetizedand has over 700,000 views… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbH63Ali9U
ALERT: You would also be very wise to read this article below about Robert who has
over 47,000 followers and has spent more than 2,500 hours last year with Twitter. Again, balance is thekeyword here and one needs to be aware of the fine line of addiction and actually building a businessthat’s profitable for you.
This is a prime example of one reason why you might want to be sure to read this
entire report to avoid mistakes many marketers are making
with Twitter. However, I’m not saying is was a mistake for Robert to put most of his
efforts into Twitter instead of his Blog, I’m just trying to point out the fact that you want
to be very clear on what you are doing and the reasons why you are doing it in the first
place. I’m not trying to rain on your Twitter parade here but just trying to keep it real so you can makemore money online, not less!
Here is the URL to this interesting article you should read. http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/12/22/im-sorry-robert-but-its-time-for-a-friendfeed-intervention/
Wasting time on Twitter is like sitting around the water cooler and chatting with coworkers about last night‘s re-runs of sitcoms or of American Idol and who you think
will win. It might be fun, and it passes the time, but it’s wasted time that could have been used to makemoney.
The idea here is to make money right?
Here are some important aspects to consider on how to keep your Twitter time under control to avoidthe red flags.
Schedule a time for Twitter. Just like you can spend hours online checking emails and just surfing the‘Net, getting on Twitter 10 times a day doesn‘t help you at all. Schedule
two Twitter times per day – once in the morning and once in the evening – and then stick
to it. Your Twitter buddies can survive without knowing your entire itinerary for the day.
Decide the purpose for your visit before getting on Twitter. Are you sending a tweet about your latest blog post? Are you trying to find local business people to network with? Deciding what you want to do before you log on is a big time saver.
Jot down notes during the day for your Twitter time. It doesn‘t have to be anything long or fancy. A sticky note will do. Just keep track of your thoughts so when you get
on Twitter you can accomplish what you want and then leave the site.
Do not tweet about every single thing you do. No one cares if you are going to the
store. They don‘t agonize over the fact that your hamster ate too much. Keep your tweets limited toimportant stuff.

Golden Rule 1: How Can Twitter Help Expand My Business and How Does Twitter Work For Making Money Online?

The keyword here is balance. You want to share information that’s not only yours. Just
be careful how much you spend on self promotion. Self promotion only is a red flag. Sharinginformation that’s not yours creates credibility. The idea is to make money but try to balance with providing valuable resources your followers can use.
This is very powerful when you do this with a little self promotion in your tweets. People will know thatyou’re providing value and you will look like a hero.
One fact to consider is that Twitter and blogging go hand in hand. Twitter has totally revolutionized theway that people communicate online and it should be a vital aspect of your overall marketing plan foryour blog. Twitter is free to join and you can get set up with an account in a matter of just a few minutes.
Twitter has two main components. Just like other social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook, youcan add “followers” and follow other people as well. They‘ll receive your updates and you‘ll receive theirs.Your messages are limited just to 140 characters, which is why some people call it a “microblogging” tool.You have to keep your messages brief and too the point.
Sometimes it‘s a challenge to get the point across in the allotted space, but it also leaves room for alot of creativity just try to keep your message in line with your niche if at all possible. Coming up withways to say what you have to say in that small space is a big part of one major reason why Twitter isexploding with growth.
You can take a look here at some of the Top 100 and beyond and you can get an idea of the power ofTwitter when you know how to use Twitter to build your business. This is another great site to seewhat others are doing and get ideas.
Kevin Rose the founder and site architect of Digg has 86,000+ Twitter followers! Do you
think Digg might help you get more followers? Do you think that somehow Digg and
other sites may be a little responsible for Kevin being #2 for most followers? You might want to take alook and see how he uses Twitter. http://twitter.com/kevinrose Take note that Kevin is only following133 as of this writing! Imagine trying to follow 86,000+ It would be total madness.
I know there are pros and cons on having a massive following because without the right tools andresources you can get overwhelmed to say the least. You need to find, locate and educate yourself onbuilding a massive following to be effective using Twitter. However, if you are selective on who youfollow it makes a big difference.
Here are just a few simple ways your business can expand and make money from using
Twitter… Try to always think “out of the box” when using Twitter…
Find local people you can network with or find local events to meet local customers. Use thesearch feature (www.search.twitter.com) to find people who are near you, then follow them. Manytimes they will follow you back (and be sure to thank them when they do).
Get great quality traffic by sending messages (“tweets”) that are meaningful and helpful. Twitterusers come from many walks of life and income levels, so build a relationship with them to get thebest results.
Remember the old saying, “It‘s not what you know but who you know that counts”? That is true onTwitter, as well. If you need a favor, send out a tweet –you never know who can help (or who knows someone who can help).
Know the power of the “re-tweet,” which is what it is called when someone takes a message(“tweet”) you send and then sends it to their followers. It is sort of like the way a forwarded emailworks. Send a quality tweet to your followers and see how it gets passed along to others.
Use the search feature to find like-minded people across the world. Use it to find people who maynot possess the same talents as you, but complement your talents.
The possibilities are endless to say the least if you think “out of the box” using Twitter…

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