Twitter is a fantastic social networking tool that can explode your business but you need to follow a fewguidelines so you don’t waste valuable time. That being said, Twitter can be a little overwhelming andconfusing to someone who is just starting with it and you don’t want to go in circles wasting time.
So here are 5 basic tips for you if you are just starting out with Twitter…
1. Figure out what you want from Twitter. Do you want it for personal reasons (such as keeping in touchwith friends and family)? Do you want it to help increase traffic to your blog? Do you want to find localcustomers? Getting your purpose straight will help you focus.
2. Start following people. (All this means is that you sign up to receive their messages
[“tweets”] and you can message them back.) If you follow them, they will most likely follow you. Thank people when they follow you.
You can use the search feature ( and find the people you want – just put in thesearch terms you are looking for. If you want to find dog owners in Chico, go for it. If you want to find local people to network with, that‘s fine, too. Just search.
3. Be interactive and send messages (tweets) out to people. Make sure you ask and answerquestions and give value to the community. You don‘t have to say anything profound – justrelevant.
4. Start “tweeting” right away. The best way to get followers is to say something – your tweets will comeup in searches, so make sure you say things that reflect you well. Say things that are relevant and not just sending out sales pitches. Don‘t be afraid to give a
word of encouragement or a suggestion to someone.
5. Do not send “spammy” messages! Let me repeat: Do NOT send spammy messages!
If all you do is send out tweets that scream, “Buy from me! Buy from me!” you will quickly losefollowers. Just don‘t do it!
Video and audio is a powerful way to learn very quickly. You retain 400% more with video and audio. Ifyou like audio and want to retain more by watching an audio with a video you can watch this YouTubeWebinar. O‘Reilly Webcast: Twitter for Business
WARNING: This Webinar is 1hr and 2 min so you’re best to set some time aside and take noteswithout interruptions. However, it’s a fantastic way to very quickly learn how to use Twitter, what NOTto do and what to do without spinning around in circles trying to figure out how to use Twitter for yourbusiness.
7 years ago
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