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Monday, November 9, 2009

Golden Rule 6: How To Make Money With Your “Tweets” Using Twitter The Right Way And To Avoid Annoying Your Followers

Here is something too many people are worried about on Twitter and try to walk around on egg shells…
Many people have some kind of idea or philosophy of “don‘t promote“ on twitter or
“don‘t post links to your site and this is NOT really wise philosophy in all niches. Here’s the reason why.Remember there is a fine line between spamming and providing useful hints, tips and ideas within yourniche.
There is nothing wrong with posting a link to your website or your latest blog posts every once in a while,just state the benefit of how it will help your followers instead of
blatantly link spamming.
In short: Don‘t use Twitter to market directly, people hate that. Just be nice, give value, and traffic will become freely flowing.
An example is say you want to post something on twitter and it’s going to be because you think it’s newsworthy to your following and is niche related…
Most of the time it will be a link related to something you’re doing but think about this. What if it’s anew Youtube video you just created, a link to your new product launch development or something youfound really interesting that relates to your business?
When people subscribe to your profile to “follow“ you they should realize that beyond
work sure you spend time with your family and kids. Do you think it’s really going to be fascinating to strangers what you’re doing in your personal like every minute of the day?
Marketers that think it’s really, really bad to post a link to your blog or to some product you arereleasing or even to some product you like or even an affiliate link to some product needs to reallyrealize if people are not interested you need to get BOLD and say so what NEXT!
You should tweet what you want to tweet but don’t spam dozens of links and let your followers and subscribers figure out if they want to follow you or not. There is really not too much difference withTwitter than a blog or an email list. If your followers like what you have posted they will pay attention toyou regardless of what it’s about even if you
do send them a link.
There is really no need to be walking on egg shells using Twitter.
Using Twitter in the most basic sense to build traffic to your blog is to post updates on Twitterwhenever you make a blog post. But there‘s so much more to Twitter than that. The Twitter site has one question and one question only. What are you doing? How you answer this question iscompletely up to you.
A lot of people simply post about what they are up to. You‘ll see a lot of posts like “Just finishedeating lunch.“ or “Working on a project.” But you‘ll also see a whole lot more. If you‘re having troubleanswering the question “what are you doing” try thinking of it in
terms of “what are you interested in“ or “what has you attention.“
An example would be with the dog training niche you could say “I found a way for my dog to stop barking when I’m not home with the radio left on classical music”.
To start out with, you‘ll want to post things that are related to you personally and not your blog directly.Remember, first and foremost Twitter is a social networking utility. People have a low tolerance forblatant advertising.
Here are some ideas for non-blog post related Twitter posts…
Share information. You can post links related to your niche, or just interesting things you findaround the Internet related to your niche.
Ask questions. You can increase your relationship with your followers by asking questions. Ask people what they think of the latest news story or their opinion on a topic.
Share your opinion. You can post links to recent news stories, especially those related to yourniche, and offer your opinion.
Post tips related to your niche. Add to the value of your twitter feed by sharing tips that aren‘t onyour blog. 140 characters are a great space to share a short, helpful tip.
Share links to other people‘s sites and explain your view.
When you do post a link to your blog, make sure to add more to your Twitter post than just the link.Explain what it’s about and tell your audience what is coming next on your
blog. This way you won‘t just be spamming your link all over the place and having people notfollow you because they are getting annoyed.

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