Using the right resources, tools and widgets will help you to bring your Twitter success to the next level bykeeping you informed, connected and up-to-date. It’s wise to use
resources that are right for your own business environment.
There are some pros and cons to some tools so only YOU can decide if they are right for
Here is a great free resource site if you have you ever wanted to completely brand your Twitter Profile but didn‘t either have the time or know how to do it in Photoshop or Gimp without having to spend a red cent!This is how to stand out from the crowd…
There is another site to get a better Twitter background. You can download the files and construct yourown Twitter background. They are Photoshop files, and you or your designer shouldn‘t have any troublereworking them to personalize them for yourself or your type of business.
If you are an article marketer here is a fantastic way you can set up your EzineArticles account toautomatically post your newly approved articles to your Twitter profile. You can get listed here: It’s a good idea to upload your author photo and bio to your Twitteraccount in order to build more credibility for your profile. Here you can follow EzineArticles on Twitter.
Having trouble adding friends to your Twitter account one by one by one? Why wait months and monthsto build a following? There is a tool I found on the Warrior Forum that you might want to considerbecause you can get at least 2,000 followers in a single month instead of the typical 300 to 500 like most people are doing…
You can use this very powerful tool while others struggle to get followers and it can get you a massiverabid following on Twitter in only hours and will drive you to the top of
your income potential quickly and effortlessly… meaning more traffic and sales for YOU.
One major aspect that will separate the marketers from the entertainment types of people using Twitterwill be the resources and tools to automate things and save time. You need to figure out what your timeis worth and how to do things in the most proficient way.
For about $50 to $100 you can crank out some serious income using Twitter instead of spending monthsand months like most others are and will be doing to grow their following because of the lack ofinsight and perspective of the value of time when working online. It’s kind of just like outsourcing butwe are using a machine to do it.
WARNING: It’s recommended that you set it at about 100 friends per day so you don’t get banned… It mayalso be a very good idea to set up separate accounts when using
this type of automation around your market or niche. I believe Twitter‘s own API is
only supposed to allow you to follow UP TO 200 people per day. They‘ve definitely put a limit on it now.
Twitter is starting to notice accounts with too much friend adding activity and either suspending ordeleting them all together. This is why you need to set it up at 100 per day.
Twitter FriendAdder can add or remove your twitter friends automatically. You can get thousands ofHUMANS to your websites everyday by using Twitter FriendAdder. There
is a limited quantity so hopefully it will still be available. Some aspects are being improved as of thiswriting and it’s at the 3.0.0 version right now.
This is a great resource when you get lots of followers and you are trying to figure out
who to follow. Mr. Tweet can help you easily build meaningful relationships on Twitter
by looking through your network and tweets. It’s basically like having a personal Twitter assistant.
1. Show you the followers & influencers you should follow.
2. Recommend you to enthusiastic users relevant to you
Take a look at this tool here:
Here is another fantastic Twitter resource all in one single place for easy access that will
help you build your business using widgets. Right now there are over 860 widgets you can review andsee what makes sense for you to apply for your business model.
Take a look and see the worlds biggest Twitter Wigetbox like no other. Simply amazing!
If you think Twitter is not going to be bigger than most people realize right now you
might want to think again. Take a look at how many tools are available right now. Note: Some of theseservices that are listed on this site may ask for your Twitter password
before getting what you want so it’s wise to proceed with caution as it says on the site as well. Twitterhas recently been hit with a massive wave of phishing - people get a DM
(direct message) with a link in it, they click on the link and it seems to send them to a Twitter sign in page, they enter their name and Twitter password - and then the phishers send out fake DMs using theiraccount info.
Take a look at this Mashable tool box. There are over 60 tools you can review and it’s really nice to beable to see what something will look like because they show actual examples such as a customized Twitter page etc. You can get examples of Apps,
Widgets and Plugins for Windows, Mac, Linux, Search, Browsers Plug Ins, Mobile and others all in oneplace.
Here you can find a fantastic Twitter Toolset with 50+ Guides, Hacks, and Scripts with easy to find descriptions so you don’t have to be on an endless search for what you’re looking for. So an examplewould be if you are looking for a Mobile ap to take on the road you can quickly find and review the toolswith descriptions to save you time.
Here are some more resources with quick descriptions to help you find what you would need faster foryour Twitter business model. Like you really need more tools right? Do you have a team of people who are all on Twitter, but you don‘t wantthe info you tweet to be sent out for all to see? lets you send a tweet to a selectgroup of people and keeps it from prying eyes. This site lets you connect with thousands of moms on Twitter. This isgreat if you are a mom, but it can also be great if you have a product or service that benefits moms (butjust make sure your Tweets aren‘t spammy, or you will quickly get the boot). (Firefox addon): Normally, Twitter tweets are limited to only
140 characters. This nifty little gizmo lets you post more than that. This gadget will feed your blog posts to your Twitter account. You canchoose the frequency of the tweets. Create a poll on Twitter with this fun tool. It appears to allowcomments, as well. It is great for getting your followers to interact with a tweet of yours. This tool lets you keep track of what URL’s are talked about on Twitter. This is really cool to see stats by putting in your own username or someoneyou’re interested in to see tweet statistics.
7 years ago
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