
Hello! Welcome to my blog on 10 Golden Rules of Twitter. I hope you will learn something new today! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Golden Rule 5: How To Set Up Your Twitter Account Properly For YOUR Niche And Generate More Followers

If you’ve already set up your account you can simply move on to more exciting aspects
of using Twitter and skip this part. The first thing you need to do is to go over to Twitter.
You register by using your e-mail address and picking a user name that you think would
be best for you.
If you want to use Twitter in conjunction with your blog, you should use a user name that reflects your blog.For example, if your blog was www.cnn.com you may want
to create the user name of “cnn.” If the name of your blog is taken as a user name on twitter, try to find something that reflects the theme of your blog.
Once you‘ve gotten registered, you‘ll need to upload a picture to use as your avatar. You can use a pictureof yourself or an illustration that reflects your blog as your avatar. Make sure it‘s a clear picture and onethat will show up well in a column with other pictures surrounding it.
With Twitter, you can quickly search for other users and then request to follow their updates. Oncesomeone approves you to follow them, most of the time they will choose to follow you as well. You can build your followers list by searching for keywords on the Twitter site that relates to your blog. Anexample would be ‘dog training’ for a dog training niche you’ve set up. This way you can build a list oftargeted followers that are interested in your dog training topic. Once you start posting updates on Twitter about your blog, you‘ll automatically get more targeted traffic.
When you first join, you’ll most likely get follow requests as well from other users who are using thesearch tools. You can choose to follow these people if they seem like they could be potential traffic foryour blog. Make sure that your follow list doesn‘t get too crowded if you want to keep it targeted to aspecific niche.
Twitter works best when you can actually communicate with the people that you are following, and vice versa. If you crowd your list with thousands of people you may initially get more traffic but you‘lllose out on many of the other benefits of using the site.
Again, before you get started with posting Twitter updates, you need to decide your primarypurpose for using Twitter.
If you‘re focused before you get started, you‘ll be able to produce better quality posts and get the right kind of traffic to your blog that relates to your niche.
There are many different ways you can use Twitter, and everyone uses it a little bit different.Consider these different ways of using the platform when you decide how you‘re going to use it…
· Help you build your expertise and your authority in a niche
· Help you drive more traffic to your blog
· Help you brand yourself
· Help you be more social with your readers
· Help you make your blog more of a community experience
You can do all of this and more with your Twitter account, or you can choose just one aspect and run withthat. Keep in mind though that if you decide that you‘re going to use it just to post links to your blog,you‘re going to be a bit disappointed.
Since Twitter is a social networking tool, people will quickly unsubscribe from your updates. On Twitter, people want to know more about you and see a more personal side of you. This is why it‘s such apowerful way to drive traffic to your blog.
Here are 3 different ways of posting on Twitter that you need to know about.
1. First, there‘s a regular post. When you type in a message to Twitter and hit “update“ it will beviewable by all the people who are following you.
2. The next type of post is a reply. When you type in a regular message, people may reply to your post.You‘ll see your user name with the symbol @ before it when someone replies to your message. You canrespond to other people the same way. You simply type @ and then their user name directly after that.Replies are viewable by everyone who is following you or the other person you are replying to.
3. Finally, there‘ a direct message. If you want to send a private message to someone that
no one else can see, you can send a direct message. To do so, simply type the letters dm with theperson‘s user name. You‘ll receive messages from others on a special page of Twitter and be notified viae-mail when someone direct messages you.

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