
Hello! Welcome to my blog on 10 Golden Rules of Twitter. I hope you will learn something new today! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Golden Rule 8: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Twitter Crowd By Using These Insider Secret Tactics

When you use Twitter the right way, you‘ll be able to tap into parts of your existing
market that you weren‘t aware of before and move beyond the Twitter crowd avoiding the typical mistakesmost people make and use tactics that work fantastic to get hoards of
traffic. Always be thinking ‘out of the box’ using Twitter.
Twitter Blaster is a PHP script that will bring viral traffic to your site using the Twitter network. You canbuild a list very quickly using this technique and increase your profits.
This tool is little bit gray hat…
This script is for education purposes only… Usethis script on your own risk…
How does it work?
Go here: http://www.peomedia.com/blog/2009/01/twitter-blaster-twitter-promotion-tool/
Here is another easy insider secret for automation you can use to set yourself apart form
the typical Twitter crowd.
Go to www.TweetLater.com
Then you will go setup a free account and follow the instructions for auto-following and
auto-replying to new followers. Using TweetLater you‘ll be able to instantly and automaticallysend a direct message to your new Twitter followers.
This is an amazing secret because it allows you to instantly interact with new followers the momentthey follow you which means more traffic and potential cash.
Twitter is all about communication and interaction so this will help you build a responsivefollowing very fast.
Here‘s an example message you can use in your auto-replies to your new followers. You can emulate thismessage any way you want.
“Thanks for following. You can find out more about me and my newsletter here:
The majority of your new Twitter followers will never even suspect that this is an automated messageand they often reply to it with nice replies. This is a very powerful resource and tool and it can be sued to be one of your top traffic sources for getting web visitors from Twitter very quickly.
Note: It’s wise to be sure to make your auto-reply very tasteful and friendly and not business oriented.If you don‘t jam your links on anyone too hard you can see fantastic results while others struggle to gettraffic to their sites.
Moving on…
One of the first steps in using Twitter to improve your blog is to “listen“ to other people
by reading their updates. A lot of new Twitter marketers make the mistake of posting too much aboutthemselves and not responding or paying attention to others.
As long as you keep in mind that Twitter is a social tool and not just a traffic machine, you‘ll be able to keep things in perspective and pay attention to others.
Interact with other people, answer their questions and ask them questions back. This way you can become part of the community.
There‘s also another good reason for paying attention to what other people have to say on Twitter. If youadd a lot of people to your follow list who are in your niche, pay attention to their problems, theirquestions and the type of things that they share.
This can all be part of your niche research and you can incorporate what you find there in your blog or inthe form of a new product. You‘ll find that your Twitter account can be a treasure trove for blog postideas.
You can use the information that you find on Twitter to create blog posts that meet the needs of yourreadership. You can also address specific questions or concerns. You‘ll be surprised at what a great brainstorming tool your Twitter account can be. You‘ll read someone‘s update and then it will get thewheels turning for a blog post, or even a series of blog posts.
Another important aspect with using Twitter effectively is to be useful to your followers. The informationthat you post should be relevant, helpful and interesting. Set yourself
apart from the crowd by finding interesting news stories that relate to your niche. Post
tips related to your blog. But don‘t forget to be personal and connect with your followers.
Be sure to ask lots of questions! When you ask questions of your followers, you‘ll get a chance to hearwhat they have to say. Asking questions is a great way to source information for blog posts, or just toget to know those who are following you.
Sometimes Twitter functions like a water cooler at work. Don‘t be afraid to have fun with your questions.
Another benefit of asking questions is that when people respond, it‘s like free advertising. They will replyto your question with the @ symbol and your user name. Other people
who are following them but not you will see your user name and may join your followers list.
Be sure that you get readers from your blog to follow your Twitter feeds. There are widgets that you canadd to the sidebar of your blog and you can remind people in your posts to follow you on Twitter. Youcan also add a Twitter badge to your blog for the purpose of getting your most recent tweets to appear inyour blog‘s sidebar.
Here is a simple way you can do this. You can post a new tweet automatically containing the title of yourblog posts along with a link from Twitter to your most recent blog entry.
You can do all of this for free using a service called TwitterFeed. Here‘s thesite to go to: www.TwitterFeed.com
All you have to do is setup an account and pop in your blog‘s feed URL, and enter your
Twitter info. It‘s really as simple as that…
One of the best blogging platforms to use is WordPress but this can be done with just about any blogthat allows customization. Here‘s a link to one of the top wordpress widget plug ins to add tweets toyour blog: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/twitter-widget/
You just simply download the widget, upload it to your wordpress plugins folder and configure it inyour wordpress admin panel. This will allow you to add some fresh content to your blog on a prettyregular basis since Twitter makes it easy to update.
Insider Secret Tip: You can make more sales and gain more followers by thinking ‘out
of the box’ with Twitter by using a moving avatar. Have it showing you smiling and waving at you and getspeople’s attention.
The idea is to stand out from the typical crowd on Twitter without being too crazy. You can also use a customized background as well…

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